Introduction Getting Started Create Customer Update Customer Delete Customer Login Customer Get Customer Information Reset Customer Password Create Order Update an Order Delete an Order Get a Garment Get all Garments in Order Update a Garment Create Repeat Pickup Update Repeat Pickup Delete Repeat Pickup Get Repeat Pickups Create Message Get Messages Get Orders Get Price Lists Get Products Get Inventory Get Pickup/Delivery Dates Get Pickup/Delivery Times Get Route from Lat/Lng Get Referral Code and Gift Use Promo Code Convert Loyalty Points Add Subscription Delete Subscription Get Subscription Add Credit Card Charge Credit Card Get Credit Cards Set Default Credit Card Add Push Token Delete Push Token Add To Customer Group Daily Summary Driver Location Get Photos


The CleanCloud API allows you to send information into and out of CleanCloud. It is typically used for the following use cases

The API is a RESTful API, and requires you to use POST requests to communicate with it. You can use any programming language to communicate with the API, and we have code examples for PHP, cURL, Javascript, node.js, Python and Ruby. You can switch the code examples between languages using the dropdown at the top left.

The API requires you to have Grow or Grow+ subscription and is limited to 50,000 requests per month, with a maximum of 3 requests per second. If you require more capacity please contact your CleanCloud Account Manager.

Getting Started

To begin you will need to:

Once done you be able to complete the following tasks

Create a Customer Account

To create a customer account you send a POST request to with the below parameters. The response will contain the ID of the newly created customer account which you will need to store on your server to perform other tasks for this customer.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
customerName Name of Customer Y
customerTel Telephone number of customer Y
customerEmail Email of customer Y
customerAddress Address of customer
customerAddressInstructions Additional address instructions to help driver
e.g. Leave with Doorman or Floor 6
customerRoute Route Number of Customer
customerLat Latitude of customer address
customerLng Longitude of customer address
makeLatLng Have CleanCloud convert customer address to Latitude / Longitude
1 = convert address to GPS co-ordinates
findRoute Have CleanCloud assign customer to route based on customer address and your geofences
1 = assign to route based on customer address/GPS co-ordinates
customerNotes Saved Notes for customer account
customerPassword Password for customer account, only required if CleanCloud will handle customer login
customerGender 0 = Not set, 1 = Male, 2 = Female, 3 = Prefer Not to Say
birthdayDay The day of the month without leading zeros (from 1 to 31)
birthdayMonth The numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros (1 to 12)
promoCode Invite or Promo Code that customer can use on signup
marketingOptIn If a customer provides marketing permission 1 = opt in, 0 = no permission given
starchPreference Starch Preference
0 = None selected, 1 = No starch, 2 = Normal, 3 = Light, 4 = Heavy
shirtPreference Shirt Presentation Preference
0 = None selected, 1 = Hanger, 2 = Boxed, 3 = Folded
trouserPreference Trouser Preference
0 = None selected, 1 = Hanger, 2 = Boxed, 3= Folded
detergentType Detergent Type
0 = None selected, 1 = Standard, 2 = Premium
detergentScent Detergent Scent
0 = None selected, 1 = No scent, 2 = Light, 3 = Medium, 4 = Heavy, 5 = Sensitive skin
fabricSoftenerType Fabric Softener
0 = None selected, 1 = No Softener, 2 = Standard, 3 = Premium
whitesWashTemp Whites Wash Temperature
0 = None selected, 1 = Cold Wash, 2 = Warm Wash
whitesDryerHeat Whites Dryer Heat
0 = None selected, 1 = Low, 2 = Regular
colorsWashTemp Colors Wash Temperature
0 = None selected, 1 = Cold Wash, 2 = Warm Wash
colorsDryerHeat Colors Dryer Heat
0 = None selected, 1 = Low, 2 = Regular
stripe Stripe customer token
evoToken EVO card token
noEmailRequired Set to 1 if you do not require email address to be provided

PHP Code Example

//SET YOUR TOKEN HERE $api_token = "MY_API_TOKEN"; $url=""; //CREATE JSON ARRAY TO SEND $jsonArray = array('api_token' => $api_token, 'customerName' => 'John Doe', 'customerTel' => '5554432324', 'customerEmail' => '', 'customerAddress' => '113 Street Avenue, New York, 10012', 'customerNotes' => 'Notes about the customer'); $postFields = json_encode($jsonArray); //SEND TO CLEANCLOUD API USING CURL $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/json")); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$postFields); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $json_response=json_decode($response); if(curl_error($ch)) { echo "Error with cURL Submitting to API: ".curl_error($ch); die(); } else { if($json_response->Success=="True") { //SUCCESS AND RETURNS CUSTOMER ID. YOU WILL NEED THIS CUSTOMER ID FOR WHEN YOU SEND IN NEW ORDERS INTO CLEANCLOUD echo "Success Submitting to API with New Customer ID: ".$json_response->CustomerID; } else if($json_response->Error!="") { echo "Error Submitting to API: ".$json_response->Error; die(); } }

Update a Customer Account

To update a customer account you send a POST request to with the below parameters. Only submit the parameters that you wish to update.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
customerID ID of Customer Y
customerName Name of Customer
customerTel Telephone number of customer
customerEmail Email of customer
customerAddress Address of customer
customerAddressInstructions Additional address instructions to help driver
e.g. Leave with Doorman or Floor 6
customerRoute Route Number of Customer
customerLat Latitude of customer address
customerLng Longitude of customer address
makeLatLng Have CleanCloud convert customer address to Latitude / Longitude
1 = convert address to GPS co-ordinates
findRoute Have CleanCloud assign customer to route based on customer address and your geofences
1 = assign to route based on customer address/GPS co-ordinates
birthdayDay The day of the month without leading zeros (from 1 to 31). You must send with birthdayMonth as well.
birthdayMonth The numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros (1 to 12)
customerPassword Password for customer account
customerNotes Saved Notes for customer account
starchPreference Starch Preference
0 = None selected, 1 = No starch, 2 = Normal, 3 = Light, 4 = Heavy
shirtPreference Shirt Presentation Preference
0 = No preference, 1 = Hanger, 2 = Boxed
trouserPreference Trouser Preference
0 = None selected, 1 = Hanger, 2 = Boxed, 3= Folded
detergentType Detergent Type
0 = None selected, 1 = Standard, 2 = Premium
detergentScent Detergent Scent
0 = None selected, 1 = No scent, 2 = Light, 3 = Medium, 4 = Heavy, 5 = Sensitive skin
fabricSoftenerType Fabric Softener
0 = None selected, 1 = No Softener, 2 = Standard, 3 = Premium
whitesWashTemp Whites Wash Temperature
0 = None selected, 1 = Cold Wash, 2 = Warm Wash
whitesDryerHeat Whites Dryer Heat
0 = None selected, 1 = Low, 2 = Regular
colorsWashTemp Colors Wash Temperature
0 = None selected, 1 = Cold Wash, 2 = Warm Wash
colorsDryerHeat Colors Dryer Heat
0 = None selected, 1 = Low, 2 = Regular
stripe Stripe customer token
evoToken EVO card token

PHP Code Example

//SET PARAMETERS $api_token = "MY_API_TOKEN"; $url=""; //SET CUSTOMER ID. THIS IS THE CUSTOMER YOU ARE UPDATING $customerID="1"; /// ///WHEN UPDATING YOU SHOULD ONLY SEND THE FIELDS THAT WISH TO UPDATE. /// //EXAMPLE 1: CHANGE ONLY CUSTOMER PHONE NUMBER $jsonArray = array("api_token" => $api_token, "customerID" => $customerID, "customerTel" => "55512321"); //EXAMPLE 2: UPDATE ALL AVAILABLE FIELDS IN THE API $jsonArray = array("api_token" => $api_token, "customerID" => $customerID, "customerName" => "New Name", "customerTel" => "12345", "customerEmail" => "", "customerAddress" => "20 API Street, API Land", "customerNotes" => "New Customer Notes from API"); $postFields = json_encode($jsonArray); //SEND TO CLEANCLOUD API USING CURL $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/json")); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$postFields); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $json_response=json_decode($response); if(curl_error($ch)) { //ERROR SENDING TO CLEANCLOUD API echo "Error with cURL Submitting to API: ".curl_error($ch); die(); } else { if($json_response->Success=="True") { //CUSTOMER UPDATED echo "Success Submitting to API"; } else if($json_response->Error!="") { //ERROR WITH DATA THAT SENT TO CLEANCLOUD. PLEASE CORRECT THE ERROR MENTIONED echo "Error Submitting to API: ".$json_response->Error; die(); } }

Delete a Customer Account

To update a customer account you send a POST request to with the below parameters.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
customerID ID of Customer Y

Login to Customer Account

To check the email and password of a customer and retrieve their customer ID you can send a POST request to with the below parameters

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
customerEmail Email of the customer Y
customerPassword Password of the customer Y

PHP Code Example

//SET PARAMETERS $api_token = "MY_API_TOKEN"; $url=""; /// //CREATE JSON ARRAY /// $jsonArray = array("api_token" => $api_token, "customerEmail" => "", "customerPassword" => "thisWasMyPassword"); $postFields = json_encode($jsonArray); //SEND TO CLEANCLOUD API USING CURL $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/json")); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$postFields); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $json_response=json_decode($response); if(curl_error($ch)) { //ERROR SENDING TO CLEANCLOUD API echo "Error with cURL Submitting to API: ".curl_error($ch); die(); } else { if($json_response->Success=="True") { //SUCCESSFUL LOGIN echo "Success Logging In with ID: ".$json_response->cid; } else if($json_response->Error!="") { //ERROR WITH DATA THAT SENT TO CLEANCLOUD. PLEASE CORRECT THE ERROR MENTIONED echo "Error Submitting to API: ".$json_response->Error; die(); } }

Get Customer Information

To retrieve available information about a particular customer, or customers that signed up within a date range, you send a POST request to with the below parameters.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
customerID ID of the customer
dateFrom Beginning date of when customer signed up (yyyy-mm-dd)
dateTo End date of when customer signed up (yyyy-mm-dd)
excludeDeactivated 1 = Exclude deactivated customers

Note that the response is structured differently if you are requesting customers by date range. Date Range is also limited to 31 days.

PHP Code Example

//SET TOKEN $api_token = "MY_API_TOKEN"; //URL FOR GET CUSTOMER $url=""; //CUSTOMER ID THAT YOU WANT INFORMATION FOR $customerID="12"; $jsonArray = array("api_token" => $api_token, "customerID" => $customerID); $postFields = json_encode($jsonArray); //SEND TO CLEANCLOUD API USING CURL $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/json")); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$postFields); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $json_response=json_decode($response); if(curl_error($ch)) { //ERROR SENDING TO CLEANCLOUD API echo "Error with cURL Submitting to API: ".curl_error($ch); die(); } else { if($json_response->Success=="True") { //SUCCESS echo "Success Getting Customer Information: ".$json_response->Success; //SHOW RESPONSE IN JSON var_dump($json_response); } else if($json_response->Error!="") { //ERROR WITH DATA THAT SENT TO CLEANCLOUD echo "Error Submitting to API: ".$json_response->Error; die(); } }

Reset Customer Password

To iniate a password reset for a customer and send them an email with reset instructions you send a POST request to with the below parameters

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
customerEmail Email of the customer Y

Create an Order

To create an order you send a POST request to with the below parameters. You will need the ID of the customer account that you are creating the order for. This ID is obtained when you create a customer using the API.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
customerID ID of the customer Y
finalTotal Final value of the order Y
status Status of the order
0 = Cleaning Order,1 = Order Ready, 2 = Order Completed, 3 = Pickup Requiring Confirmation, 4 = Accepted Pickup, 5 = Detailing
If not set it will assume the order is a pickup
discount Discount amount applied to order
discountPercent e.g 20 if you want the discount % to stick for an order after editing
creditUsed Amount of credit used with this order
Will return error if more used than available on customer account
deliveryFee Amount charged for delivery
tax Tax amount applied to the order
tax2 Second Tax amount applied to the order
tax3 Third Tax amount applied to the order
minimumAdjust Amount applied to raise order to minimum required subtotal
tip Tip amount applied to the order
tipPercent e.g 20 if you want the tip % to stick for an order after editing
express Specify if the order is express or not. 0 = Normal, 1 = Express
products Associative Array of products in the order
pickupDate Unix timestamp of pickup date, set without timezone at 12pm UTC time
pickupStart Start time for pickup, set with 12 hour clock (e.g. 10am)
pickupEnd End time for pickup, set with 12 hour clock (e.g. 11am)
delivery Whether the order is a delivery or not 1 = Order will also be a delivery, 0 = no delivery
deliveryDate Unix timestamp of delivery date, set without timezone at 12pm UTC time
deliveryStart Start time for delivery, set with 12 hour clock (e.g. 10am)
deliveryEnd End time for delivery, set with 12 hour clock (e.g. 11am)
orderNotes Notes for the order
notifyMethod How to notify customer on order status changes1 = SMS, 2 = EMAIL, 3 = DO NOT NOTIFY, 4 = EMAIL & SMS
paid If the order is paid or not.1 = Paid, 0 = Unpaid
paymentType The payment type used 0 = No payment type, 1 = Cash, 2 = Card, 3 = Check
priceListID If you are using a custom price list from CleanCloud, Leave blank or 0 for default
sendEmail Send email notification to the customer. 1 = send them an email
staffVerify Staff need to approve the order in the POS. 1 = require staff approval
storeOrder 1 = A regular store order, rather than a pickup and delivery. When set to 1, the following three fields should be provided
storeDropOffDate Unix timestamp of the date the order begins or is given to the store, set without timezone at 12pm UTC time
storeReadyByDate Unix timestamp of the date the order will be ready by, set without timezone at 12pm UTC time
storeReadyByTime e.g. "5pm", if not provided, store default will be used
lockerOrder 1 = is an order dropped in a locker by customer
lockerNumber e.g 5 if order put in locker number 5
lockerLocationID If multiple locker locations for a store then provide the ID associated with the locker location

PHP Code Example

//SET PARAMETERS $api_token = "MY_API_TOKEN"; $url=""; //SET CUSTOMER ID $customerID="1"; //CREATE LIST OF PRODUCTS OF ORDER IN AN ARRAY $products_array = array(); //NOTES: /// ID CORRESPONDS TO ID OF PRODUCT IN YOUR CLEANCLOUD ACCOUNT, IF ITEM DOES NOT EXIST IN CLEANCLOUD THEN CREATE ONE TIME CUSTOM ITEM BY SETTING ID TO 0. YOU CAN USE UP TO 5 CUSTOM PRODUCTS PER ORDER /// ALL FIELDS MUST BE PROVIDED /// PIECES IS PIECES PER ITEM. FOR EXAMPLE SPECIFYING 2 PIECES AND 2 QUANTITY MEANS 4 PIECES IN TOTAL /// PRICE IS PRICE PER ITEM. FOR EXAMPLE PRICE OF $20 AND QUANTITY OF 2 MEANS $40 TOTAL $product1 = array("id" => "10", "price" => "45", "pieces" => "1", "quantity" => "1", "name" => "Product Name"); $product2 = array("id" => "9", "price" => "20", "pieces" => "2", "quantity" => "2", "name" => "Second Product"); $productCustom = array("id" => "0", "price" => "10", "pieces" => "1", "quantity" => "3", "name" => "Custom Product Name"); //PUSH ITEMS INTO PRODUCTS ARRAY FOR JSON. PRODUCTS ARRAY WILL BE NESTED INSIDE THE MAIN JSON ARRAY SENT TO CLEANCLOUD API $products_array[] = $product1; $products_array[] = $product2; $products_array[] = $productCustom; /// //CREATE JSON ARRAY /// $jsonArray = array("api_token" => $api_token, "customerID" => $customerID, "products" => $products_array, "discount" => "1.05", "tax" => "1.07", "finalTotal" => "10.06", "pickupStart" => "10am", "pickupDate" => "1505736000", "pickupEnd" => "11am", "delivery" => "1", "deliveryDate" => "1506686400","deliveryStart" => "1pm", "deliveryEnd" => "2pm", "orderNotes" => "Notes for the Order", "notifyMethod" => "2", "priceListID" => ""); $postFields = json_encode($jsonArray); //SEND TO CLEANCLOUD API USING CURL $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/json")); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$postFields); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $json_response=json_decode($response); if(curl_error($ch)) { //ERROR SENDING TO CLEANCLOUD API echo "Error with cURL Submitting to API: ".curl_error($ch); die(); } else { if($json_response->Success=="True") { //ORDER SUCCESSFULLY INSERTED INTO CLEANCLOUD ACCOUNT AND RETURNS ORDER ID FROM CLEANCLOUD echo "Success Submitting to API with New ORDER ID: ".$json_response->orderID; } else if($json_response->Error!="") { //ERROR WITH DATA THAT SENT TO CLEANCLOUD, ORDER WAS NOT INSERTED INTO ACCOUNT. PLEASE CORRECT THE ERROR MENTIONED echo "Error Submitting to API: ".$json_response->Error; die(); } }

Update an Order

To update an order you send a POST request to with the below parameters. You will need the ID of the order that you are updating. Only submit the parameters that you wish to update.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
orderID ID of the order Y
customerID ID of the customer
finalTotal Final value of the order
discount Discount amount applied to order
discountPercent e.g 20 if you want the discount % to stick for an order after editing
creditUsed Amount of credit used with this order. You must also provide updated finalTotal.
Will return error if more used than available on customer account.
deliveryFee Amount charged for delivery
tax Tax amount applied to the order
tax2 Second Tax amount applied to the order
tax3 Third Tax amount applied to the order
minimumAdjust Amount applied to raise order to minimum required subtotal
tip Tip amount applied to the order
tipPercent e.g 20 if you want the tip % to stick for an order after editing
pickupDate Unix timestamp of pickup date, set without timezone at 12pm UTC time
pickupStart Start time for pickup, set with 12 hour clock (e.g. 10am)
pickupEnd End time for pickup, set with 12 hour clock (e.g. 11am)
delivery Whether the order is a delivery or not (1 or 0)
deliveryDate Unix timestamp of delivery date, set without timezone at 12pm UTC time
deliveryStart Start time for delivery, set with 12 hour clock (e.g. 10am)
deliveryEnd End time for delivery, set with 12 hour clock (e.g. 11am)
orderNotes Notes for the order
notifyMethod How to notify customer on order status changes1 = SMS, 2 = EMAIL, 3 = DO NOT NOTIFY, 4 = EMAIL & SMS
paid If the order is paid or not.1 = Paid, 0 = Unpaid
paymentType The payment type used 0 = No payment type, 1 = Cash, 2 = Card, 3 = Check
priceListID If you are using a custom price list from CleanCloud, Leave blank or 0 for default
pickupReschedule 1 if staff requested reschedule, 2 if rescheduled by customer
deliveryReschedule 1 if staff requested reschedule, 2 if rescheduled by customer
status The status of the order. 4 = Awaiting Pickup, 0 = Cleaning, 1 = Cleaned and Ready to Deliver, 2 = Completed, 5 = Detailing

PHP Code Example

//SET PARAMETERS $api_token = "MY_API_TOKEN"; $url=""; //SET ORDER ID. THIS IS THE ORDER ID YOU ARE UPDATING $orderID="255"; /// ///WHEN UPDATING YOU SHOULD ONLY SEND THE FIELDS THAT WISH TO UPDATE. /// //EXAMPLE 1: SET ORDER AS PAID, WITH PAYMENT TYPE PAID BY CARD $jsonArray = array("api_token" => $api_token, "orderID" => $orderID, "paid" => "1", "paymentType" => "2"); //EXAMPLE 2: JUST UPDATING STATUS OF ORDER $jsonArray = array("api_token" => $api_token, "orderID" => $orderID, "status" => "2"); //EXAMPLE 3: UPDATE LOTS OF FIELDS IN THE API, INCLUDING CHANGING THE CUSTOMER ID $customerID = 1; $jsonArray = array("api_token" => $api_token, "orderID" => $orderID, "customerID" => $customerID, "status" => "2", "discount" => "1.05","discount" => "1.05", "tax" => "1.07", "tax2" => "0.95", "finalTotal" => "10.06", "pickupStart" => "10am", "pickupDate" => "1505736000", "pickupEnd" => "11am", "delivery" => "1", "deliveryDate" => "1506686400","deliveryStart" => "1pm", "deliveryEnd" => "2pm", "orderNotes" => "New Notes for the Order", "paid" => "1", "paymentType" => "2"); $postFields = json_encode($jsonArray); //SEND TO CLEANCLOUD API USING CURL $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/json")); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$postFields); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $json_response=json_decode($response); if(curl_error($ch)) { //ERROR SENDING TO CLEANCLOUD API echo "Error with cURL Submitting to API: ".curl_error($ch); die(); } else { if($json_response->Success=="True") { //ORDER SUCCESSFULLY UPDATED echo "Success Submitting to API"; } else if($json_response->Error!="") { //ERROR WITH DATA THAT SENT TO CLEANCLOUD echo "Error Submitting to API: ".$json_response->Error; die(); } }

Delete an Order

You can delete an existing order by sending a POST request to with the below parameters

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
orderID ID of the order Y
checkPickupTime 1 = Check if the order is too close to pickup time before deleting it.
It will return error if too close to pickup.
sendEmail 1 = Send Email to Notify the Admin and Store of Deletion

PHP Code Example

//SET PARAMETERS $api_token = "MY_API_TOKEN"; $url=""; $orderID="670"; $jsonArray = array("api_token" => $api_token, "orderID" => $orderID); $postFields = json_encode($jsonArray); //SEND TO CLEANCLOUD API USING CURL $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/json")); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$postFields); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $json_response=json_decode($response); if(curl_error($ch)) { //ERROR SENDING TO CLEANCLOUD API echo "Error with cURL Submitting to API: ".curl_error($ch); die(); } else { if($json_response->Success=="True") { echo "Success"; //SHOW RESPONSE IN JSON var_dump($json_response); } else if($json_response->Error!="") { //ERROR WITH DATA THAT SENT TO CLEANCLOUD. PLEASE CORRECT THE ERROR MENTIONED echo "Error Submitting to API: ".$json_response->Error; die(); } }

Get a Garment

You can get information about a particular garment in an order by sending a POST request to with the below parameters.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
orderID ID of the order Y
barcodeID Barcode ID/Number of the garment Y

Get All Garments in an Order

You can get information about all individual garments of a particular order by sending a POST request to with the below parameters.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
orderID ID of the order Y

Update a Garment

You can update details about an existing garment by sending a POST request to with the below parameters. Only send the optional fields that you wish to update.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
barcodeID Barcode ID/Number of the garment Y
orderID ID of the order. Send this if barcodeID is not unique and you need to limit to the barcode on a particular order N
color1 Color ID of the garment
color2 Second Color ID of the garment
extraNotes Any notes about the garment
conveyorLocation Where the garment is on an assembly/storage conveyor
customStatus Custom field for you to track the garment status. Numbers only

Create Repeat Pickup

Create a Repeat Pickup scheduler by sending a POST request to with the below parameters

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
customerID ID of the customer Y
pickupDate Unix timestamp of first pickup date, set without timezone at 12pm UTC time Y
pickupStart Start time for pickup, set with 12 hour clock (e.g. 11am) Y
pickupEnd End time for pickup, set with 12 hour clock (e.g. 1pm) Y
frequency How often the pickup should repeat
1=Every week, 2=Every 2 weeks, 3=Every 3 weeks, 4=Every 4 weeks
duration How many times this pickup should repeat
0=Until cancelled, 1=1 order, 2=2 orders, ... 20 = 20 orders
deliveryDays How many days after the pickup the delivery should be
0=Do not set, 1= +1 day from Pickup, 2= +2 days, 3= +3 days...
deliveryStart Start time for delivery, set with 12 hour clock (e.g. 11am)
deliveryEnd End time for delivery, set with 12 hour clock (e.g. 1pm)
tip How much tip to apply to each repeat order
e.g. 3.5
tipPercent e.g 20 if you want the tip % to stick for an order after editing
schedulerType 0 = regular, 1 = requires SMS confirmation from customer each order before creating order
schedulerConfirmDays How many days in advance of pickup the confirm order SMS is sent to customer
(Only required if schedulerType set to 1)
ordersCreatedSoFar Number of orders that have already been created for this repeat pickup before scheduler created
e.g. 0 or 1
deleteOld Delete any old repeat pickups for this customer
1 = delete

Update Repeat Pickup

Update an Existing Repeat Pickup scheduler by sending a POST request to with the below parameters

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
pickupID ID of the repeat pickup Y
customerID ID of the customer Y
pickupDate Unix timestamp of next pickup date, set without timezone at 12pm UTC time Y
pickupStart Start time for pickup, set with 12 hour clock (e.g. 11am) Y
pickupEnd End time for pickup, set with 12 hour clock (e.g. 1pm) Y
frequency How often the pickup should repeat
1=Every week, 2=Every 2 weeks, 3=Every 3 weeks, 4=Every 4 weeks
duration How many times this pickup should repeat
0=Until cancelled, 1=1 order, 2=2 orders, ... 20 = 20 orders
deliveryDays How many days after the pickup the delivery should be
0=Do not set, 1= +1 day from Pickup, 2= +2 days, 3= +3 days...
deliveryStart Start time for delivery, set with 12 hour clock (e.g. 11am)
deliveryEnd End time for delivery, set with 12 hour clock (e.g. 1pm)
tip How much tip to apply to each repeat order
e.g. 3.5
tipPercent e.g 20 if you want the tip % to stick for an order after editing
schedulerType 0 = regular, 1 = requires SMS confirmation from customer each order before creating order
schedulerConfirmDays How many days in advance of pickup the confirm order SMS is sent to customer
(Only required if schedulerType set to 1)

Delete Repeat Pickup

Delete a Repeat Pickup for a customer by sending a POST request to with the below parameters

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
pickupID ID of the repeat pickup Y
customerID ID of the customer Y

Get Repeat Pickups

Get a list of Repeat Pickups for a customer by sending a POST request to with the below parameters

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
customerID ID of the customer Y

Create Message

This POST request to allows you send a message from the customer to the store.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
customerID ID of the customer Y
message Message for the store Y

Get List of Messages

This POST request to allows you to return a JSON response of the messaging history with a customer.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
customerID ID of the customer Y
limit How many messages to return, leave empty for all

Get List of Orders

This POST request to allows you to return a JSON response of details for a particular order or multiple orders, which can be filtered using the parameters below.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
orderID ID of the order
customerID ID of the customer
routeID ID of the pickup and delivery route
dateFrom Beginning date of orders (yyyy-mm-dd)
dateTo End date of orders (yyyy-mm-dd)
updatedSecondsAgoFrom Filter to only fetch orders that were updated in the last X seconds. This also includes newly created orders.
status Status of the order(s)
4 = Awaiting Pickup, 5 = Detailing, 0 = Cleaning, 1 = Cleaned and Ready to Deliver, 2 = Completed
completed If order(s) have been completed or not. 0 = not complete, 1 = complete
paid If order(s) have been paid or not. 0 = not paid, 1 = paid
sendProductDetails Set to 1 if you require detailed information about the products on the order(s)

PHP Code Example

//SET TOKEN $api_token = "MY_API_TOKEN"; //URL FOR GET ORDERS $url=""; //CUSTOMER ID $customerID="19"; $jsonArray = array("api_token" => $api_token, "customerID" => $customerID); $postFields = json_encode($jsonArray); //SEND TO CLEANCLOUD API USING CURL $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/json")); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$postFields); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $json_response=json_decode($response); if(curl_error($ch)) { //ERROR SENDING TO CLEANCLOUD API echo "Error with cURL Submitting to API: ".curl_error($ch); die(); } else { if($json_response->Success=="True") { echo "Success Getting Orders: ".$json_response->Success; //SHOW RESPONSE IN JSON var_dump($json_response); } else if($json_response->Error!="") { //ERROR WITH DATA SENT TO CLEANCLOUD echo "Error Submitting to API: ".$json_response->Error; die(); } }

Get Price Lists

This POST request to allows you to return a JSON response of all the active price lists for a store, by sending the following parameters.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y

Get List of Products

This POST request to allows you to return a JSON response of all active products, by sending the following parameters.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
priceListID ID of the price list
sendParents If you want to receive parent products in the response (1 or 0)
sendUpcharges If you want to receive upcharges in the response (1 or 0)
inStore 1 = See products how they appear in store POS.
Otherwise it will send for customer app

PHP Code Example

//SET TOKEN $api_token = "MY_API_TOKEN"; //URL FOR GET PRODUCTS $url=""; //PRICE LIST ID (optional) $priceListID=""; $jsonArray = array("api_token" => $api_token, "priceListID" => $priceListID); $postFields = json_encode($jsonArray); //SEND TO CLEANCLOUD API USING CURL $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/json")); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$postFields); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $json_response=json_decode($response); if(curl_error($ch)) { //ERROR SENDING TO CLEANCLOUD API echo "Error with cURL Submitting to API: ".curl_error($ch); die(); } else { if($json_response->Success=="True") { echo "Success Getting Products: ".$json_response->Success; //SHOW RESPONSE IN JSON var_dump($json_response); } else if($json_response->Error!="") { //ERROR WITH DATA SENT TO CLEANCLOUD echo "Error Submitting to API: ".$json_response->Error; die(); } }

Get Inventory

This POST request to returns a JSON response of the current inventory levels of all inventory products in your store.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y

Get Available Pickup/Delivery Dates

This POST request to allows you to return a JSON response of all the available pickup and delivery dates with their available slot times for a particular route, by sending the following parameters. The response will contain a list of dates, with available slot times and the remaining number of available slots.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
routeID ID of the Route Y

PHP Code Example

//SET TOKEN $api_token = "MY_API_TOKEN"; //URL FOR GET DATES $url=""; $jsonArray = array("api_token" => $api_token, "routeID" => '1'); $postFields = json_encode($jsonArray); //SEND TO CLEANCLOUD API USING CURL $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/json")); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$postFields); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $json_response=json_decode($response); if(curl_error($ch)) { //ERROR SENDING TO CLEANCLOUD API echo "Error with cURL Submitting to API: ".curl_error($ch); die(); } else { if($json_response->Success=="True") { //SHOW RESPONSE IN JSON var_dump($json_response); } else if($json_response->Error!="") { //ERROR WITH DATA THAT SENT TO CLEANCLOUD echo "Error Submitting to API: ".$json_response->Error; die(); } }

Get Available Pickup/Delivery Times

This POST request to allows you to return a JSON response of all the available pickup and delivery slots for a particular route on a particular day, by sending the following parameters. The response will contain a comma separated list of available slot times.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
routeID ID of the Route Y
day Unix Timestamp of the Day without timezone at 12pm UTC time Y

PHP Code Example

//SET TOKEN $api_token = "MY_API_TOKEN"; //URL FOR GET SLOTS $url=""; $jsonArray = array("api_token" => $api_token, "routeID" => '1', "day" => '1558353600'); $postFields = json_encode($jsonArray); //SEND TO CLEANCLOUD API USING CURL $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/json")); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$postFields); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $json_response=json_decode($response); if(curl_error($ch)) { //ERROR SENDING TO CLEANCLOUD API echo "Error with cURL Submitting to API: ".curl_error($ch); die(); } else { if($json_response->Success=="True") { //SHOW RESPONSE IN JSON var_dump($json_response); } else if($json_response->Error!="") { //ERROR WITH DATA THAT SENT TO CLEANCLOUD echo "Error Submitting to API: ".$json_response->Error; die(); } }

Get Route Number from Latitude/Longitude or Address

This POST request to allows you to send in latitude/longitude values for a customer's address or their street address and the response will provide a JSON response with the route number. If no route is available for that route an error will return.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
lat Latitude of the address
lng Longitude of the address
customerAddress Customer street address if you don't know lat/lng
routeID Route ID, if you want to check lat/lng is in this route

PHP Code Example

//SET TOKEN $api_token = "MY_API_TOKEN"; //URL FOR GET SLOTS $url=""; $jsonArray = array("api_token" => $api_token, "lat" => '10.14', "lng" => '34.43'); $postFields = json_encode($jsonArray); //SEND TO CLEANCLOUD API USING CURL $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/json")); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$postFields); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $json_response=json_decode($response); if(curl_error($ch)) { //ERROR SENDING TO CLEANCLOUD API echo "Error with cURL Submitting to API: ".curl_error($ch); die(); } else { if($json_response->Success=="True") { //SHOW RESPONSE IN JSON var_dump($json_response); } else if($json_response->Error!="") { //ERROR WITH DATA THAT SENT TO CLEANCLOUD echo "Error Submitting to API: ".$json_response->Error; die(); } }

Get Referral Code and Gift

This POST request to allows you to get the unique referral code for a customer and the gift that they and the customer they they refer will receive

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
customerID ID of the Customer Y

PHP Code Example

//SET TOKEN $api_token = "MY_API_TOKEN"; //URL FOR GET CUSTOMER $url=""; //CUSTOMER ID THAT YOU WANT INFORMATION FOR $customerID="12"; $jsonArray = array("api_token" => $api_token, "customerID" => $customerID); $postFields = json_encode($jsonArray); //SEND TO CLEANCLOUD API USING CURL $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/json")); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$postFields); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $json_response=json_decode($response); if(curl_error($ch)) { //ERROR SENDING TO CLEANCLOUD API echo "Error with cURL Submitting to API: ".curl_error($ch); die(); } else { if($json_response->Success=="True") { //SUCCESS echo "Success Getting Customer Information: ".$json_response->Success; //SHOW RESPONSE IN JSON var_dump($json_response); } else if($json_response->Error!="") { //ERROR WITH DATA THAT SENT TO CLEANCLOUD echo "Error Submitting to API: ".$json_response->Error; die(); } }

Use Promo Code

This POST request to allows you use a promo code. This will update the customer's account with their new discount/credit level and the response will contain the discount percentage or credit amount to apply to the customer's order

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
customerID ID of the Customer Y
promoCode The promo code Y
onlyCheckIfValid Only check if promo code is valid for this customer.
Set to 1 if you only want to check validity but don't want to use it

Convert Loyalty Points to Credit

This POST request to allows you convert a customer's unused loyalty points to credit. This will update the customer's account with their new total credit level and the response will contain information about the new total credit amount as well as the credit gained

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
customerID ID of the Customer Y

Add Subscription to Customer Account

This POST request to allows you to subscribe a customer to a regular subscription created in Clearent/Stripe and begin charging them. If the Error response is "3D Secure Authentication required", then you will need to prompt the user to authenticate, then send again with subscriptionConfirmed = 1 if authentication was successful.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
customerID ID of the Customer Y
subscriptionID plan ID of subscription e.g. plan_JNIndsfsdfvc Y
subscriptionConfirmed Only set to 1 if 3D Secure Authentication was triggered by previous response and was successfully authenticated

Delete Subscription from a Customer Account

This POST request to allows you to delete the subscription on a customer's account.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
customerID ID of the Customer Y

Get Subscription from a Customer Account

This POST request to allows you to get information about the subscription on a customer's account.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
customerID ID of the Customer Y

Add Credit Card to Customer Account

This POST request to allows you to add a credit card to a customer account by sending in the card token

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
customerID ID of the Customer Y
type 1 = Stripe save card
2 = Stripe request setup intent secret
3 = Clearent Save Card
6 = Amazon Save Card
paymentMethodID The payment method ID or token for the tokenized card from Stripe / Clearent / Amazon

Charge Saved Credit Card

This POST request to allows you to charge a customers saved credit card for an order

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
customerID ID of the Customer Y
orderID ID of the Order Y
type 1 = Stripe
2 = EVO
3 = Clearent
4 =
5 = CleanCloud Pay
6 = Amazon

Get Saved Credit Cards

This POST request to allows you to fetch all of the saved cards for a customer

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
customerID ID of the Customer Y
type 3 = Clearent
5 = CleanCloud Pay
6 = Amazon

Set Default Credit Card

This POST request to allows you to set the default card for a customer

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
customerID ID of the Customer Y
cardID ID of the Card, obtained from api/getCards endpoint Y
type 3 = Clearent
5 = CleanCloud Pay
6 = Amazon

Add Push Token

This POST request to allows you to send a Firebase push notification authentication token from your customer iOS/Android app into CleanCloud. This is so that CleanCloud can automatically send a push token to your customer when their order status changes or if you would like to send them marketing from CleanCloud.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
pushToken The push token provided by the app Y
customerID ID of the Customer Y
platform 0 = Android, 1 = iOS Y
bundleID The bundle ID of your iOS & Android app (e.g. com.companyname.appname) Y

Delete Push Token

This POST request to allows you to delete a Firebase push notification authentication token from your customer database after the customer logs out of or uninstalls your app. This is so you do not try to send push notifications to a customer that is no longer using your app.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
pushToken The push token provided by the app that you wish to delete Y
customerID ID of the Customer Y

Add To Customer Group

This POST request to allows you to assign a customer to a customer group.

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
customerID ID of the customer Y
groupID ID of the Customer Group Y

Get Summary Metrics Report By Day

This POST request to allows you to get summary metrics for your store

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
dateFrom Beginning Date (yyyy-mm-dd) Y
dateTo End Date (yyyy-mm-dd) Y

Get Driver Location

This POST request to allows you to get the most recent location of a driver based on the order ID associated with a customer

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
orderID Order ID Y
customerID Customer ID Y

Get Photos

This POST request to allows you to get the photos associated with an order

Parameter Description Required
api_token Your secret API token Y
orderID Order ID Y
customerID Customer ID Y