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Book Your Pickup

Book Your Delivery

Add Special Notes

Add Tip for Driver

- $ +

Promo Code

Select Your Items

Large Items

All size Area Rugs (up to 50 sq.ft.) $2 per sq.ft
- +
Heavy Jacket
- +
Light Jacket
- +
Lined Coveralls
- +
Sleeping Bag ( Down Filled)
- +
Sleeping Bag ( Poly filled)
- +

Laundry- Wash Kwik

Bleached Load w/Bleach added Requested
- +
WashKwik Basic Order Charge - 1st 12 lbs.
- +
WashKwik Express Order Charge- 1st 12 lbs.
- +


All Down-filled
- +
Full Blanket
- +
Full Comforter
- +
King Blanket
- +
King Comforter
- +
Queen Blanket
- +
Queen Comforter
- +
Twin Blanket
- +
Twin Comforter
- +


Black Bag
- +
Red Bag
- +
WashKwik Bag
- +
WashKwik Bag
- +
White Bag
- +

Ice cream/Water

Almond bar
- +
- +
Fudge bar
- +
Icecream Sandwhich
- +
New Product
- +
Reese's Ice cream
- +
Snicker Icecream Bar
- +

Order Completed

Your order # has been submitted to Wash Daze Laundromat and you have been sent an email with your selection and pickup slot. If you can't find the email be sure to try your Junk folder and mark us as a safe sender.

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Item Quantity Subtotal Subtotal
Discount $
Tax % $
Tip $0
Credit $
Total $0 $0

0 Items
