🚀🌀 Machines Page Enhancements

April 15, 2024

Exciting updates have been introduced to our Drag-and-Drop Machines Page, aimed at simplifying laundry order management through added features.

Here's a snapshot of what's fresh:

  • Improved Splitting Functionality: The Machines page now allows for splitting a single order across multiple machines and stages, enhancing workflow efficiency and order tracking. Additionally, you can opt to keep orders in the 'To-Do' list as part of it progresses to the next stage. Furthermore, multiple orders can now be assigned to a single machine simultaneously.
  • Enhanced Order View Filtering: You can now easily filter and display specific orders by clicking on the card number within the order card, providing enhanced efficiency and management.

📑 These updates are just a preview of what's new. For more details, explore our comprehensive help guide: Drag and Drop Machines Page.