Columbia Pike Laundry

1st January 2021

Meet our Customers - Daniel Logan

We caught up with Daniel Logan who owns Columbia Pike Laundry who has been using CleanCloud since 2018.

To start, could you tell me a bit about you and your business?

My name is Daniel Logan and I am the owner of Columbia Pike Laundry. In terms of the history of the business my wife and I purchased the laundry, self-service coin laundromat back in 2018. We decided to shift to wash dry and fold and immediately realised that we needed some kind of software to enable us to run our business more efficiently.

Where did you hear about CleanCloud?

We were looking at a couple of different software online and decided to go with CleanCloud. This was because we initially thought that we just needed assistance with our day to day running, but CleanCloud offered the ability to do pickup and delivery and facilitate this almost seamlessly.

Also, other software we researched came up so much more expensive than CleanCloud. They require you to buy all their kit and hardware to go with it. This kind of cost was just not an option for me, I wanted a software that I could quickly set up and didn't cost the world to do it, and that was CleanCloud.

What was your experience transitioning to CleanCloud like?

So, the onboarding was pretty good. Giuseppe personally set it out with me and got everything squared away. He linked it with the card processing and made sure everything ran smoothly. It was really fantastic.

Then over the years the support continued to be great. One thing that has stood out for me is CleanCloud’s continuing want and willingness to constantly improve the software, particularly asking us as customers what we need and how we are using the software. I have actually seen these changes being made in the software that I have personally suggested, so it is really great to feel valued as a customer.

What is the training like for CleanCloud, for both you and your staff?

So for my staff, they picked up using CleanCloud really quickly even those who aren’t necessarily that computer savvy. I think this is because the software is really intuitive, once staff have been using it for a week or so it becomes almost like second nature.

One thing that has helped me recently is you guys releasing CleanCloud University. I have set out to have it incorporated as part of the onboarding I do with my new staff. The POS Basic module is great for getting staff up and running on the software quickly- and the best thing is I don’t have to be too involved with this training. I can also track their progress to see which lessons they have completed in the modules. I love CleanCloud University. I understand that these videos are being released in Spanish, I have bilingual staff so this is another fantastic addition.

In light of the past year, could you talk about your experience and things you have done to help/protect your business?

By default COVID-19 has meant people are staying at home, as the nature of people staying at home but still wanting to get things done means the natural growth of pickup and delivery. My pickup and delivery has grown, whereas my self services are still not where it was before the pandemic. For that reason we have actually improved and have seen growth since COVID-19 in that sense.

You can see it in everyday life, the habits we have created during COVID-19 lockdowns. I am a strong believer that people will continue to order our groceries and use other pickup and delivery services for the foreseeable. Time is one of most precious resources and businesses that cater to this will succeed.

Has CleanCloud helped you expand your online presence?

Absolutely, similarly in what I touched on before people want to do these things on their phone, Being able to quickly look at your phone, see which pickups are available, schedule their pickups and click submit. Simple.

Our competitors are basically like the middleman between the customer and the business and then outsourcing the cleaning- this has its own challenges. With what we do we manage the entire process through CleanCloud, we’re doing it all. Meaning if you want to call and locate or check on an order our customers can. I still have old school customers and I still want to cater to what they want.

One CleanCloud feature that we are now using is the review module. Previously we were using the option to send a text after a customers first order to encourage them to leave us a review or rate us on Google. The review module we have set up for around two weeks now, and it has been great to have another step in the process that has become automated. So without too much thought or effort there is greater opportunity for boosting my business online and making sure to address any customer pain points and concerns.

I think for business owners automation is massive, and CleanCloud has been doing so much to help out with the automated process for example the automatic payment. The actual system and workflow of everything is perfect. CleanCloud makes running a cleaning business so much easier for cleaners.

What are the key things you have noticed since moving over to CleanCloud

There are only so many people in this geographic area that will come into my store, it is limited. So, the addition of pickup and delivery has massively broadened my reach. Whereas before let’s say people within a 5 mile radius would bring their clothes in, now I can expand to 20 miles or even further making it more appealing and convenient for our customers. CleanCloud programming and creating a platform to be able to do pickup and delivery has allowed our revenue to grow based on just the sheer amount of area we can now service.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

CleanCloud hits every point for what the customer wants. I have greater visibility and am able to manage my business better, as I have access to it whenever and wherever I am. Other options of hard coded software and the need for specific hardware with accessibility limited to a computer in my store is just not where the world is going, or where I want my business to go.

I can manage my business when I am in the park with my kids or even speak to a customer wherever I am. We should be creating businesses that are able to run without us being there, that should be the goal of a business owner. CleanCloud is hitting that mark without a doubt. You are meeting the needs of my customers, and meeting my needs as a business owner, what more could you need?

Want to see more of Columbia Pike Laundry, check out their website here:

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