Keep track of all new updates to CleanCloud
1112 days ago
We have recently done a complete new redesign of the Cleaning, Ready, Pickups, Detail, and Assembly pages. The redesign includes:
1114 days ago
We have now released the following videos to CleanCloud University. To access them, click on this link:
1115 days ago
You will now have the ability to establish whether you would like Pickup and Delivery orders going through the detailing page or not. To find this new setting, just go to Settings > Admin > Detailing Page.
1117 days ago
See the below recent improvements which have been made to both the original machines page and the new drag and drop page:
1118 days ago
You will now have the ability to have a new drag and drop machines page. This new page gives you a more touch friendly experience, as well as making the order flow for your staff easier when they assign an order to a machine. To enable this new machines page, go to Settings > Admin > Washers and Dryers, and enable the 'Use Drag-n-Drop Machines Page' option.
1122 days ago
You will now have the ability to edit the ready by date/time of a Pickup and Delivery order within the Ready page.
1125 days ago
If staff forget to clock in one day, the Admin now has the ability to create a shift on behalf of a staff member. Setting a date, clock in and clock out time. To use this new feature, just go to Settings > Users > View Hours.
1131 days ago
You will now have the ability to set a maximum amount of hours per shift. To set this up, go to Settings > Admin > Store Settings, where you will see the 'Max Hours Per Shift' option. If a staff member forgets to clock out and reaches the amount of hours you established, the system will automatically clock out the user and send an email to the admin. This new feature will support you if you use our Payroll system.
1132 days ago
If you have a MetalProgetti or Quicksort conveyor for in-store orders, you will now have the ability to resend any items using our new resend feature.
1139 days ago
The latest version of the Customer App and the Booking tool are now released! Within this new update we have just launched, you will now have the below abilities to include in your store operation:
- New delivery fee method.
- Ability for a customer to set delivery date/time when creating/editing repeat pickup.
- Different delivery fee for locker locations.
- Customers can change their preferences from the order confirmation page. If a customer changes a preference, then this will save to their account.
1140 days ago
If you use our Marketing Pro feature, when an automated campaign gets sent to a customer, a record of this will now appear as a notification in the customer CRM. To access this, select a customer from the New Order page, click on the blue profile symbol located next to their name, and then select the 'Messages' tab.
1143 days ago
You will now have the ability to import business accounts to your CleanCloud account if you wish. Within this new import, you will have the ability to assign existing customers from your store to a business if necessary. For more information, please consult this article:
1146 days ago
If you use our new Detailing page, you will now be able to use a lot based system to help organise orders. To create a lot, go to Settings > Admin > Detailing Page and ensure you enable the 'Use Lots Based System' option. Once enabled, go to the lots section and select the 'add lot' button to then state the name of the lot as well as the Maximum Pieces/Tags for it. Then the colour of the tags and the section(s) to assign it to.
1152 days ago
If you offer Subscriptions to your customers in your CleanCloud account, then you will now be able to see a Subscriptions tab when you go to Settings > Metrics > Subscriptions. You will be able to see the following: a summary of all the Subscriptions you offer, payments, unpaid Subscriptions and Subscription cancellations. Just go to Settings > Metrics > Subscriptions. If you would like to learn how to set up Subscriptions, then please consult this article:
1163 days ago
You will now have the ability to have an additional page between the 'New Order' and the 'Cleaning' tab where you can detail orders. To get this setup, just go to Settings > Admin > Detailing Page and enable the 'active' toggle. You can then establish if you would like all new orders appearing on this tab, or just quick drop orders. As always, once you have made the necessary changes, click on the green submit button.
1174 days ago
From now on, once you place a retail order that is unpaid, the order will only skip the Cleaning page, and will show up on the Ready page to make sure you can collect payment from your customers for these.
If a retail order is paid, it will skip both the Cleaning and Ready pages, as it used to.
1179 days ago
If you want to ensure that the admin to clocks in when they log in, then there is a new setting for this. Go to Settings > Admin > Store Settings, and you'll see a setting 'Force staff to clock in at beginning of shift' which you can enable. If you wish to have everyone else clock in at the beginning of their shift except from the store admin, then make sure you have the 'Force staff to clock in at beginning of shift' option set only.
1180 days ago
If you request preferences from your customers, you will now have the ability to do the following:
Please note, if you wish to enable preferences for online customers, this can be done by going to Settings > Admin > Pickup and Delivery > General Settings. To make adjustments to any preferences, go to Settings > Products > Preferences.
1181 days ago
When you create or edit a geofence, you will now have the ability to see the geofences of other routes. This will be helpful so you know where to avoid when drawing a new one.
1184 days ago
You will now have the ability to view even more information about Subscriptions that your customers are tied into. You'll be able to see the following on the 'subscriptions' tab within the customer CRM:
- How much that selected customer has used of their product allowance in current billing period
- Next payment date
- Last payment date
- Total payments to the subscription
- History of payments