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521 days ago

Cash Payment Discount

Introducing 'Cash Discounts' - Simplifying order processing!  ðŸ’¸ðŸš€

Set a default cash discount percentage at Settings > Admin > Payments & Finances > Payments > 'Cash Discount (%)'. It automatically applies when the payment method is 'Cash'. Enhance your customer experience effortlessly!

For step-by-step instructions, explore our 'Cash Payment Discount' article.

547 days ago

Change the Brand, Style, Upcharge, and Pattern that have been saved for Heat Seals.

It will be possible for you to modify and alter the information related to a registered Heat seal barcode. 

You can go to to modify a number of dropdown menus, including Patterns, Brand, Style, and Upcharges.

550 days ago

Automatically select Release Form based on Products.

An Owner's Risk Release Form is an optional feature that you may add to your receipts, and it can be automatically attached to specific products. For further information, see this article. Creating Release Forms

To edit your product, navigate to Settings > Products > Edit > Release Form dropdown and choose the appropriate release form that you want attached to the product. 

554 days ago

Customer Source: Where did you find us?

It will now be possible for you to include information of where the customer found out about your business when you add them to the POS.

You can turn on the setting in Settings > Admin > Workflow > New Order Page > Optional Customer Fields > Toggle on 'Customer Source'

There will be a fresh set of options with some pre-installed defaults, like:

Google Search

Google Maps



Friend or Family

You can add or remove sources from the list above if you wish.

Then simply choose the relevant options from the newly available selection 'Customer Source' when adding a new customer from the New Order Page +.

557 days ago

Tips column in Metrics->Revenue page

The ability to view a tips column on the Revenue page in Metrics has recently been implemented.

Head to Settings > Metrics > Revenue > Toggle on Show Tips to add the column to the report. 

560 days ago

Discount % on Repeating Invoices

You can now add a discount percentage to invoices when you create a new Repeating Invoice. 

Head to Settings > Invoice > New Invoice > Select Repeating from the dropdown and apply the discount percentage.

564 days ago

Garment Summary Report

You will now have access to a Garment Summary Report from the Data Export section under Metrics. Giving you an exported file showing the breakdown of each Garment individually for each order. 

Head to Settings > Metrics > Data Export > Select from the dropdown Garment Summary.

567 days ago

Separate In-Store Minimum for Express Orders

You can now add a separate in-store minimum order amount for your Express orders ensuring those Express/Rush orders have their own minimum amount.

Head to Settings > Admin > Workflow > General Settings and scroll down to Minimum Order Amount Express ($)

569 days ago

Customer CSAT tracking upgrade to Reviews feature

If you wish to explore customer comments further, you can access a more comprehensive view of the feedback by navigating to Metrics > Reviews.

Within this section, you have the flexibility to sort the reviews based on specific criteria, including the period and the staff member responsible for servicing the order. This allows you to gather valuable insights and continually improve your service. Review Feature

571 days ago

Due Date filter update on the Cleaning page

The most recent due date filter on the Cleaning page now includes Overdue orders in Today's selection and has a separate Overdue option to just show those that are late. You can separate the filtered view by Due Today & Overdue or view only the Overdue orders.

Head to the Cleaning Page > Select the dropdown that says ‘All’ next to ‘Filter Sections’ and select what filtered view you wish to see.

575 days ago

Allow Statement creation for up to a year

You will now be able to create a statement for a customer or business account going back up to a year. Previously 90 days was the cap for a statement creation. 

Head to Settings > Invoice > New Statement > Select the Customer or Business > Arrange the date range to as far back as a year.

578 days ago

Bags In/Out Order Sales Data Export Report

In the Orders (Sales) data export file you will now find two new columns for the number of bags in and the number of bags out for each order received.

582 days ago

Ability to change the order of promo carousel cards

You now have the ability to change the order of your created promo carousel cards for the Web Booking tool and the App.

Head to Settings > Discounts & Promos > Promo Carousel. If you look at the left side of the Carousels you will see some dashed lines allowing you to grab a Carousel and move it to where you prefer.

585 days ago

Customer App 7.7

Our 7.7 version of our customer app includes the following updates:

  • New Order Review Flow
  • Multiple card support for CleanCloud Pay & Clearent
  • Improved Services flow, with pricing information

588 days ago

Tracking if an order is detailed

After an order has been detailed on the Detailing page you will be able to view when the order has been detailed and by which staff member on the Cleaning page, the Ready page, or on the Search page.

595 days ago

CleanCloud Pay and Clearent - using a card terminal from Driver App

You can now take a mobile card terminal using CleanCloud Pay or Clearent on the road with your driver to take payment on the go.

On the Driver app, go to the 3 lines at the top left, then go to ‘Settings’ and enter the relevant terminal information in the terminal fields. The driver can then select the pay-by-card terminal option on the Driver app to take payment for an order.

599 days ago

Background Processed Metrics Exports for those with 15+ stores.

We now allow you to process reports in the background when more than 15 stores are selected. This will be emailed to you.

You can also download the reports from Settings > Metrics > Data Export > Exports History.

604 days ago

User permission for Data Exports

You will now have the ability to give any of your users/staff members the ability to use the Data Export feature. 

Head to Settings > Users > Click on the pencil icon next to one of your users > Check the 'Export Data' permission > Update

609 days ago

Improved Laundry Bag Out Labels

Our new laundry bag out labels will now show if there are also any hanging items and whether the order is still unpaid.

612 days ago

In-Store Order Minimum

You will now be able to place an in-store order minimum amount excluding retail items in your settings. Allowing even when selecting one item for a customer it will automatically add your in-store minimum cost.

Head to Settings > Admin > Workflow > General Settings > Minimum Order Amount ($) and enter an amount you wish.

Below there is also an express order minimum amount which you can set.