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850 days ago

Driver App - option when you select a customer order it also selects all from same time slot

If you go to the settings in your driver app you will be able to select if you wish to process 'One Order At A Time' or 'All Orders in Same Time Slot in Same Route'.

This gives you the option to either navigate to one order at a time, or to easily select each order in the same time slot hence making the process of optimizing the route for all these orders a lot faster.

Head to the three lines on the top left of the driver app > Settings > Select Action to enable the relevant setting.

852 days ago

Business Invoices change to include all of a customer's orders, then move to the next customer

Business invoices will now display all relevant customers tied to the business account and their relevant orders grouped together. At the top you will find the Business Name and underneath a breakdown of all customers that placed orders, the relevant order IDs, the order dates, with a breakdown of everything that was in their orders and the total cost for each customer’s orders as well as the total payment due for the business account.

855 days ago

Driver App: Group orders for same customer with same time slot

If a customer has multiple orders for the same time slot, the driver will now see these orders grouped together. As you will see below there are three orders for the same time slot and the customer’s orders are grouped together. This will make the navigation to the orders much simpler!

857 days ago

Driver App - If a customer has a Pickup & Delivery within the same time slot, then only need to "Accept and Navigate" one of them.

If a customer has a pickup and delivery order scheduled for the same day and time (which is usually common for repeat pickup orders), you will now only need to accept & navigate to one of them rather than accepting and navigating to both.

859 days ago

Driver App - decide when payment button shows in Admin settings

Your drivers can take payment from your customers using the Driver app if necessary and you will be able to determine when that can take place.

Head to Settings > Pickup and Delivery > Driver App > Allow Payment in Driver App, and you can then select from a dropdown of options. 

These options will range from 'Pickup and Delivery', 'Delivery Only', 'Pickup Only', and 'Never'. We would recommend ‘Delivery Only’ as the best option. 

862 days ago

Driver App - show customer name in main feed

You will have the ability to toggle between the option to have the customers name show up on the driver app in the main feed.

Toggling the option on will show the customer's name in the main feed alongside their order number, their address and pickup or delivery time. 

You can activate this from Settings > Admin > Pickup & Delivery > Driver App > Show Customer Name in Main Feed.

863 days ago

Customer address - split into sections

When adding/editing a customer in the POS as well as in the customer app, the address section is now split into multiple sections. 

864 days ago

Unpaid Metrics section

We have added a new section to the metrics page allowing the ability to easily see all unpaid orders and invoices. 

Head to Settings > Metrics > Unpaid 

In this section you will be able to filter by Order Status, Customers/Business Accounts, and a Day range. 

A total amount of all unpaid orders and invoices will be at the top and a breakdown provided below.

You will see unpaid orders on the left showing the customer name, how many orders are unpaid and the amount owed. You will be able to select the customer, take payment, make edits or see the itemised list of the items in the order.  

Similar to unpaid orders, on the right, you will be able to see unpaid invoices with the same options as unpaid orders with one difference. You will be able to click on the number indicated in the “invoices” column and send the invoice from this section to the customer or business account. 

866 days ago

Driver App show rack location for Delivery Orders

One handy new feature for the Driver app is the ability to show the rack location on all delivery orders. 

This will allow your driver to easily know on which racks the relevant orders are in your store while looking at the driver app, so the driver can then collect them and deliver them to the customers. 

Head to Settings > Pickup & Delivery > Driver App > Show Rack Location for Delivery Orders and toggle on. 

867 days ago

Driver App - Restrict Drivers to certain Routes

If your store offers pickups and deliveries, you may want to restrict a driver to a certain route. You can ensure that a driver on one route does not see pickup and delivery orders which belong to another route.

Once you create your routes head to Settings > Users > Edit User > Limit Driver App Routes Dropdown and select the relevant route for your driver. 

If no options are selected then the user has access to all routes in the Driver app. 

869 days ago

Locked Out Access Mode

This feature will grant the ability to lock a staff member out of the POS preventing any further access. 

Most useful if you still need to complete payroll for a last paycheck for example, but not allow the staff member to access the system. 

Head to Settings > Users > Edit User > Access Mode > Locked Out

871 days ago

Statements for Customers and Business Accounts

Allow a staff member to create a statement history (payment history) for a customer/business account over a certain date period. This can be created as a PDF or Email and then sent to the customer.

Head to Settings > Invoice in the top right corner you will see 'New Statement'.

The statement will list all of the payments made by a customer/business account during that date range (either regular order payments) or invoice payments, as well as any unpaid orders.

873 days ago

Driver App Only User Account

To ensure your driver only has access to the Driver app and not the POS as well, you can choose to exclusively grant them access to the Driver app.

To do this, head to Settings > Users > (Add or Edit the User) and then go to Access Mode and select from the dropdown 'Driver App Only'.

877 days ago

Preset Roles for your Employees

You now have the easy option of selecting a role that fits the user you are adding. 

A new employee for example could be given the preset role 'employee' when you add or edit a user from Settings > Users. When adding or editing a user, if you go to where it says 'Role' and in this case, select 'Employee' it would instantly mark the relevant permissions. This is true for a Manager role or admin which each have their own set of permissions.

If these set permissions are not quite what you need for your employees for example and maybe you need to give them a few more permissions to open the cash drawer or add a discount, we now have 'Custom Preset Roles' to create your own custom roles for your employees. This will make adding employees in the future much faster!

Head to Settings > Store Settings > Security > Add User Role

  • Select a Name
  • Select the custom Permissions
  • Add

Now when adding a new User in the Roles dropdown you will see your newly created Role with the custom Permissions.

880 days ago

Weight Processed per hour per staff member

Have you been looking to see how much laundry per lb/kg has been completed by your staff members on average per hour? Fear not!

Head to Settings > Metrics > Weight Processed

Go to the bottom of this page.

You will see the Average weight processed per hour by each employee gathering valuable data such as:

  • Employee name
  • Total lbs
  • Total Hrs
  • Average lb/hour

883 days ago

New IPad POS App now available

We have now launched our new IPad POS App!

You can download it now from the App Store, if your staff are using IPad tablets.

Some of the advantages of using our IPad App over the browser includes:

  • Easier and smoother access to POS
  • Better interface and more real estate on the screen
  • Better printer connections compared to browser on IPad

Android tablet users, we'll be launching one for you very soon.

891 days ago

Partial payments with Clearent

Doing partial payments with Clearent is now possible.

Don't forget to ensure that partial payments is turned on for this to work (Settings > Admin > Payments & Finances > Payments > Allow for Partial Payment toggle on).

894 days ago

Customer App v7.1

We've updated the CleanCloud app on both iOS and Android for your customers to place orders through:

Some of the improvements include:

  • Support for discounts on repeat pickups if your store supports it
  • Support for % express fee for optional faster turnaround
  • Support for informing the store how many laundry bags there will be to pick up
  • Nicer flow if the store requires the order to be a minimum amount

We're sure they'll love it!

901 days ago

Fascard, Laundrycard and Laundroworks Improvments

We've made some improvements to our Fascard, Laundrycard and Laundroworks integration.

1- We now offer the ability to do partial payments with these cards. Don't forget to ensure that partial payments is turned on for this to work (Settings > Admin > Payments & Finances > Payments > Allow for Partial Payment toggle on).

2- You can now take payment and also do a batch payment using this from the Ready page.

3- We've added this to the Revenue page in Metrics

905 days ago

Driver app: un-assign an order

When an order is taken by a driver, the driver can un-assign it in case it was taken in error through the driver app.

Upon accepting an order, an additional red button will appear called 'Issue'. There will be a few option here that the driver can chose from within this tab:

  • Ask customer to reschedule
  • Remove order from assigned driver